Easy Pace Learning



Lessons and exercises


Learning cardinal numbers using a video English lesson

What will I be learn during the video learning ordinal numbers using a video English lesson?

This English lesson using a video you will be learning how to use cardinal numbers 1 to 10 using fruit so you will learn about fruit as well.

Video cardinal numbers 1 - 10 using fruit

To start watching the video click on the play button and use the play button again to pause the video if it is going to fast.


To view the full lesson on learning ordinal numbers click on the link to start doing the lesson now Numbers 1 to 100 English lesson learning cardinal numbers

To view all available lessons Learning English - basic English lessons free online or click on the all menu 'all lessons' to view all the lessons.

Easy pace Learning online dictionary and how to use dictionaries

Click on the following link for the Online English dictionary - English lesson