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Lessons and exercises


Different types of hobbies people like crossword

How to complete the exercise on hobbies

To complete the crossword answer the clues for down and across and fill in the missing blanks.

Hobbies crossword exercise

hobbies crossword exercise


1. My mother is into planting _______ .

3. She likes collecting sea _______ at the seaside.

5. My grandpa enjoys playing _______ .

7. Watching TV is an _______ activity.

10. I like collecting _______ .

11. Bob likes surfing the _______ .

12. I always play soccer on _______ .

15. I like making a snowman in the _______.


2. We all love listening to _______ .

4. Bob enjoys playing _______ games.

6. I like playing basketball and _______ .

8. I usually go _______ in the summer.

9. We can build _______ on the beach during the summer.

13. My brother likes playing the _______ .

14. Mary is always working in the garden. She loves _______ .

16. My friend likes walking in the _______ .

17. John likes collecting _______ .

18. I _______ go shopping with my mum.

Answers to the crossword

Click on the link to view the answers Hobbies crossword exercise answers

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