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List of body parts idioms about bones and their meanings

How the idioms are listed

There are 3 parts to each idioms the first part is what the idiom is, then an explanation of what it means and the last part is an example of how to use it in a sentence.

How do I use the list of human body parts idioms A to Z?

To use the list of idioms click on each letter of the alphabet to get the list of the human body parts idioms for that letter.

[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ] [ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ X ] [ Y ] [ Z ]

Click on the links below to view

These links are not on the A to z of idioms only on the common animals idioms

Human body parts idioms about bones

as dry as a bone

- very dry

The river bed was as dry as a bone at the end of the summer.

bare bones (of something)

- the most basic and important parts of something

The company had to restructure and most services were cut to the bare bones of the operation.

a bone of contention

- something that people disagree about

The issue of working on Saturday evenings is a bone of contention between the store and the workers.

chilled to the bone

- very cold

I was chilled to the bone after swimming in the cold lake.

close to the bone

- something (a story or remark) that is embarrassing or upsetting

The remarks of my boss hit close to the bone when he began to criticize my work habits.

cut (something) to the bone

- to cut down severely on something, to severely reduce something

The company cut all of the extra expenses to the bone.

down to the bone

- entirely, to the core

The rain and snow chilled me right down to the bone.

feel (something) in one's bones

- to sense something, to have an intuition about something

I feel it in my bones that I am not going to get the job that I want.

know (something) in one's bones

- to know and sense something, to have an intuition about something

I know it in my bones that I am not going to pass my English exam.

make no bones about (something)

- to make no mistake about something, to not doubt something

"Make no bones about it, I am not going to lend my friend any more money."

pare (something) to the bone

- to cut down severely on something, to severely reduce something

We recently pared our household expenses to the bone.

skeleton in (someone's) closet

- a hidden and shocking secret

The politician had a skeleton in his closet that he did not want anyone to know about.

skin and bones

- a person or animal that is very thin or skinny

The dog was skin and bones after his owner stopped giving him food.

to the bone

- entirely, to the core

I was wet to the bone after walking in the rain for two hours.

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