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Vocabulary beginning with H - list learning English basics

What will I learn from the English lesson a list vocabulary beginning with H?

This lesson is a list of vocabulary beginning with G to help when you are unsure what type of word it is. It is important not to try and remember the vocabulary, but just to use the list as a reference guide to help you.

How do I use this English book of vocabulary A to Z?

Click on each letter of the alphabet to get the list of the idioms with an explanation of each.

[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ] [ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ X ] [ Y ] [ Z ]

** Warning the list does not contain every word and will be added to over time **

Abbreviations that are used in the vocabulary List are:

abbrev abbreviation or acronym
adj adjective
adv adverb
Am Eng American English
Br Eng British English
conj conjunction
det determiner
exclam exclamation
int interjection
n noun
phr v phrasal verb
pl plural
prep preposition
prep phr prepositional phrase
pron pronoun
sing singular
v verb

Vocabulary beginning with H

habit (n)
hair (n)
haircut (n)
hairdresser (n)
hairdryer (n)
half (adj, adv & n)
hall (n)
hallo/hello (exclam)
hammer (n & v)
hand (n & v)
hand-held (adj)
hand in (phr v)
• Please hand in the answer sheet when
you've finished.
hand out (phr v)
• Hand out the books please, Tom.
handbag (n)
handkerchief (n)
handle (n & v)
handsome (adj)
handwriting (n)
hang (v)
• to hang a picture
hang out (phr v)
• to hang out with friends
hang up (phr v)
• She hung up at the end of the phone
happen (v)
happy (adj)
harbour (n)
hard (adj & adv)
hardly (adv)
• hardly any time
• He could hardly wait.
hat (n)
hate (n & v)
have (v)
have got (v)
he (pron)
head (n & v)
• to hit one's head (n)
• the head of the company (n)
• The child was sent to see the Head
Teacher. (n)
• to head a ball (v)
headache (n)
headline (n)
health (n)
hear (v)
heart (n)
heat (n & v)
hedge (n)
heavy (adj)
height (n)
helicopter (n)
hello/hallo (exclam)
helmet (n)
help (n & v)
her (det & pron)
here (adv)
hero (n)
hers (pron) Page 16
herself (pron)
hide (v)
high (adj & adv)
hill (n)
him (pron)
himself (pron)
hire (v & n)
• to hire a boat (v)
• for hire (n)
his (det & pron)
historic (adj)
historical (adj)
history (n)
hit (n & v)
• The song was a great hit. (n)
• to hit the ball (v)
hitch-hike (v)
hobby (n)
hockey (n)
hold (v)
hold up (phr v)
• He was held up in the heavy traffic for
over two hours.
hole (n)
holiday (n)
home (adv & n)
homepage (n)
homework (n)
honest (adj)
honey (n)
hope (n & v)
horrible (adj)
horse (n)
hospital (n)
hostel (n)
hot (adj)
hotel (n)
hour (n)
house (n)
housewife (n)
housework (n)
hovercraft (n)
how (adv)
how much (adv)
however (adv)
huge (adj)
human (adj & n)
hunger (n)
hungry (adj)
hurry (n & v)
hurt (adj & v)
husband (n)
hut (n)
hydrofoil (n)

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