Easy Pace Learning



Lessons and exercises


Talking about the days of the week learning English basics

What will I learn from the lesson talking about the days of the week?

This lesson you will learn how to talk about days in a week.

How to talk about the days of the week

Yesterday will be (-1 day or 1 day ago)

Yesterday was Friday

Yesterday we went to the movies

Yesterday will be Monday

Yesterday will be Wednesday

Today is (the present day)

Today is Tuesday

learning how to talk about days of the week

today is my brothers exam

Today is Tom's birthdayToday is Wednesday

Tomorrow will be (+1 day or the day after)

Tomorrow will be weekend

Tomorrow will be Wednesday

Tomorrow w are going on holiday.

Lessons that are related to the exercise

To view any of the lessons below click on link.

Months of the year English lesson learning January February March

Print the lesson

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Lessons that are related to the exercise

To view any of the lessons below click on link.

A to Z Idioms - list English phrases

A - Z idioms list learning English idioms

Dictionary and how to use dictionaries

Click on the following link for the Online English dictionary - English lesson

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